Sunday, December 12, 2021

RTI to Go Mobile App Contest 2021

RTI to Go Mobile App Contest 2021

Radio Taiwan International launched its new mobile application. To make it popular and introduce it to all over the RTI community, Radio Taiwan International arranged a fun contest, RTI to Go Mobile App Contest 2021, for their listener, viewer and followers. 35 Lucky winners will receive fabulous prizes. So take part and grab your prize,

Friday, December 10, 2021

Time to Say Good Bye WRTH

Good Bye WRTH

It's time to Say Good-Bye WRTH ব্লগটা লিখতে গিয়ে মনটা হতাশায় ভরে গেল। মাঝে পাঁচ/ছয়টা বছর বাদ দিলে সেই ১৯৯৫ সাল থেকে আমি WRTH এর নিয়মিত ব্যবহারকারী ও পাঠক। মূলত ডয়েচে ভেলে (Deutsche Welle) রেডিও’র কারিগরি বিভাগের সাথে সখ্যতা (মনিটর) থাকার কারনে নিঃখরচায় পেতাম এই বইটা। বলার অপেক্ষা রাখেনা, এটি আমাকে ডি-এক্সিং জগতে দ্রুত ও সফলতার সাথে সামনে এগিয়ে যেতে সাহায্য করেছে। ব্যবহারকারীরা সবাই যখন বইটার ৭৬তম সংস্করণের অপেক্ষায়, হতাসা গ্রাস করলো সবাইকে, WRTH ফেসবুক গ্রুপের একটা খবরে,“২০২২ সংখ্যাই WRTHএর শেষ সংখ্যা”।

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

ERTU Radio Cairo Frequency Guide B21

ERTU Radio Cairo Frequency Guide B21

Radio Cairo, one of the pioneer radio stations, started on 31 May 1934. Egyptian Radio and Television Union - ERTU has operated Radio Cairo since December 1947. ERTU Radio Cairo Frequency Guide B21 has been declared by the authority. B21 frequency table mentioned that ERTU no more continuing Hebrew language broadcast and ceased 24 hours Arabic service on Shortwave. 

ERTU Radio Cairo Frequency Guide B21 Details

Monday, November 1, 2021

AWR Summer Schedule B21

AWR Summer Schedule B21

Frequency Management Office of Adventist World Radio disclosed AWR Summer Schedule B21 for the audience worldwide. October 30, 2021, they released the 8th version of this shortwave broadcast schedule. This B21 Frequency guide will continue until March 26, 2022. 

AWR Summer Schedule B21 Details

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Deutsche Welle Frequency Guide B21

Deutsche Welle Frequency Guide B21 

No Doubt, DW is still on Shortwave dial. Customer Service announced the Deutsche Welle Frequency Guide B21 for the listeners. Due to Afghanistan Crisis, Deutsche Welle expanded their on-air time to Afghanistan at the end of the A21 Schedule

Here are the details of the DW B21 Frequency Guide

Friday, October 29, 2021

China Radio International B21 Schedule

China Radio International B21 Schedule
China Radio International B21 Schedule has been launched. Like last decade, CRI frequencies are available all over the bandwidth. But this B21 frequency guide noticed some frequencies are reduced and ceased by CRI. We have captured only English, Bengali, Hindi, Nepali and Urdu language services for this collection.

Details China Radio International B21 Schedule

Monday, October 18, 2021

Voice of Mongolia B21 Frequency Guide

Voice of Mongolia B21 

Voice of Mongolia B21 Frequency Guide has been released for Shortwave listeners worldwide.  VOM- the Voice of Mongolia is the overseas service of the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television.  This is only overseas broadcasting of Mongolia, transmitting from the Capital, Ulaanbaatar. 

Voice of Mongolia B21 Frequency Guide

Thursday, September 9, 2021

DW Special SW Transmission for Afghanistan

 DW Special SW Transmission for Afghanistan

Afghanistan is now a hot-cake place for broadcasters. German media Deutsche Welle, who almost ceased Shortwave broadcasting for the world, except Africa (West) and Ethiopia (Hausa and Amharic language), now announced short wave broadcasting targeted to this hot-cake news-land. So, DW Special SW Transmission for Afghanistan is now in reality. 

DW Special SW Transmission for Afghanistan schedule

Saturday, September 4, 2021

How to Join VOI International Quiz 2021

VOI International Quiz 2021

RRI - VOI International Quiz 2021 comes back again. Last RRI-VOI The international quiz was organized in 2017. Due to the COVID situation, like all other international broadcasts, VOI announced the International Quiz again. Voice of Indonesia also conducting another competition for their listeners named VOIFeature Competition 2021.

How to Join VOI International Quiz 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How to Join VOI Online Listeners' Meet 2021

How to Join VOI Online Listeners' Meet 2021

RRI - the Voice of Indonesia decides to meet with their listeners virtually and exchange thoughts and further broadcasting plans. This "How to Join VOI Online Listeners' Meet 2021" will guide you to participate in this unique meet and open an opportunity for you to disclose your thoughts and thoughts on the Voice of Indonesia.

How to Join VOI Online Listeners' Meet 2021 on Zoom

Monday, August 16, 2021

DW Check-In: Around the World, How?

Check-In: Around the World

Deutsche Welle TV Travel show Check-In disclosed a brand new Competition for the viewers and netizens titled, Check-In: Around the World with Instagram. DW Instagram Channel open a window for all to travel to Germany even in this pandemic time. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

RTI German language test transmission

RTI German language test transmission

After successfully conducting a test transmission on July 17, 2021, RTI Deutsch (German language) Service will organize another test transmission. This RTI German language test transmission will be on several days in July and August 2021.

RTI German language test transmission from Tamsui

On July 17, 2021, RTI German Test transmission was on four different frequencies. The motive of this test transmission was to identify the best frequency for future use. Following the bellow time table RTI Deutsch, test transmission was 7250, 9545, 11705, and 11995 kHz. 

Friday, July 16, 2021

DW, EuroMaxx: What's your favorite summertime sport?

What's your favorite summertime sport?

Summer means something special, especially for sport and leisure. Some outdoor activities are more fun when it's warm outside. What sports do you like to do during the hottest time of the year? - DW Euromaxx desire to know about your story. Let's join, DW Euromaxx contest, "What's your favorite summertime sport?" and you could win a stand-up paddling set. 

Friday, July 9, 2021

How to Join VOI Feature Competition 2021

VOI Feature Competition 2021

Voice of Indonesia, the Indonesian national Radio station, launched a new contest, VOI Feature Competition 2021. In commemoration of National Radio Day of Indonesia, VOI organized this competition. Here to remember, On 17 August 1945, at 19:00, M. Jusuf Ronodipuro, founder of the RRI, has read the proclamation of news on Hoso Kyoku, Japanese occupation Radio. Indonesian first president Mr. Sukarno delivered his speech on 25 August 1945 from Voice of Indonesia. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Who won the Wimbledon from the Czech? Prague Quiz July 2021

Who won the Wimbledon from Czech?
Radio Prague's English Service announced their July quiz, " Who won the Wimbledon from the Czech? " As usual for each month, Radio Cz asks one easy question on Czech, and six winners catch up with Six fabulous prizes from Radio Prague. July 2021 quiz question is on Czech Wimbledon winners.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

What happened in 1881 in the national theater Prague? June 2021 Quiz

What happened in 1881 in the national theater Prague?

Radio Prague has a regular monthly quiz, where they desire to test listeners' knowledge of Czech. In June 2021, contest Radio Cz wants to know, "What happened in 1881 in the national theater Prague?". Do you have any idea? If the answer is yes, just read the following quiz question and send your answer to Radio Prague. 

What happened in 1881 in the national theater Prague? 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Radio Vaticana Italia A21

Radio Vaticana Italia A21

Radio Vaticana Italia A21 was released in time. Vatican Radio  Broadcasts on Shortwave with several languages, including English, Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam. Once, an initial plan to broadcast more languages on SW was postponed due to a changed broadcasting system.

Radio Vaticana Italia A21 Schedule

Vatican News (Combined platform of Radio, Media, and News since 2018) disclosed their Shortwave schedule in March 2021. Here is the detailed schedule of A21.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Mongolia under Quarantine No new program from VOM

Mongolia under Quarantine  No new program from VOM

বাংলাদেশই শুধু নয়, কোভিড পরিস্থিতি ২০২১ সালে ভয়ংকর অবস্থায় পৌচ্ছেছে। ভারতের অতিমারি প্রতিনিয়তই আতংকিত করে তুলছে বিশ্বকে। প্রতিবেশী হিসেবে আমরাও উৎকন্ঠায় দিন কাটাচ্ছি। মঙ্গোলিয়াও এর বাইরে নয়। কোভিড পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রনের জন্য Mongolia under Quarantine  No new program from VOM ঘোষনা করেছে ভয়েস অফ মঙ্গোলিয়া।

Monday, May 10, 2021

Tecsun DR-910 AM/FM shortwave radio

Tecsun DR-910 AM/FM shortwave radio

কাজের চাপে অনেক দিন হলো ডি-এক্সিং তেমন সময় দিতে পারিনি, পারিনি রেডিও রিভিউ দিতে। আমার সংগ্রহের প্রতিটা রেডিও রিভিউ করে বেতার প্রেমিদের রেডিও বিষয়ে একটা ছোট্ট ধারণা দেওয়ার প্রয়াস আমার এই বেতার রিভিউ। আজকে বেছে নিয়েছি আমার সংগ্রহের  Tecsun DR-910 AM/FM shortwave radio টা।  প্রথমেই বলি এই সাদা অতি হালকা ও Ultra-compact পকেট রেডিওটা দশ ব্যান্ডের, যার মাধ্যমে পৃথিবীর যে কোন প্রান্তের শর্টওয়েভ বেতার তরঙ্গ ধরা সম্ভব। অবশ্য এ জন্য বেশ কিছু শর্ত মানার দরকার হবে।

Tecsun DR-910 AM/FM shortwave radio

Tecsun DR-910 একটি ডিজিটাল ঘড়ি সহ একটি পোর্টেবল এএম/এফএম শর্টওয়েভ রেডিও। এটা চালানোর জন্য দু’টি এএ ব্যাটারি (পেনসিল) প্রয়োজন। এটি খুব হালকা এবং আকারে ছোট্ট  হওয়ায় ভ্রমণ উপযোগী রেডিও। এটিতে একটি ডিজিটাল ডিসপ্লে রয়েছে যা ঘড়ি এবং রেডিও ফ্রিকোয়েন্সি দেখায়।  এটি ব্যাকলাইট এবং অটো শাট ডাউন টাইমারের মতো দরকারী বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে।

Friday, May 7, 2021

What do you know about Czech? May 2021 Quiz


What do you know about Czech? May 2021 Quiz

What do you know about Czech? May 2021 Quiz question has declared. Radio Prague Monthly Quiz with a single question on Czech republic announced each month. Radio Cz select six lucky winners from the correct entry. Let's try your luck, send the correct answer, and be a lucky winner.

What do you know about Czech? May 2021 Quiz Question

Monthly Quiz, May 2021, focused on Gustav Machatý and his award-winning film.  

RSI 2021 competition Round Four


RSI 2021 competition Round Four

May 2021, a new month has begun and brought us another round of this year's RSI competition called "Once there was a castle…". This RSI 2021 competition Round Four is dedicated to myths and legends surrounding Slovak castles and chateaux. 

Every first weekend of each month, RSI listeners can participate in this competition. This series will take them back in time to the land of great kings and brave knights, where they will become witnesses to many heroic acts. 

The fourth round of this contest, once again prepared by Kristína Hanáková from the French section. Listen to the presentation carefully to know the correct answer to the question at the end of the round. 

Let's go and try your luck to win a Slovak prize from Radio Slovakia International.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

AWR 360: Adventist World Radio A21

Adventist World Radio A21

Adventist World Radio released A21 Schedule for their shortwave listeners. AWR 360: Adventist World Radio A21, the summer schedule started on 28 March 2021. It will continue till 31 October 2021.

Adventist World Radio A21 Details

Starting from March 28, 2021, AWR A21 has a few changes to the schedule. Here please find the details of the Summer Schedule of AWR (A21).

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Deutsche Welle Drawing Competition

 "The pandemic has seen through the eyes of Children" শিরোনামে Deutsche Welle Drawing Competition এর ঘোষনা দিয়েছে। মূলত কোভিড ১৯ এর ভয়াবহতা শিশুর মনষিকতায় যে বিরুপ প্রতিক্রিয়া সৃষ্টি করেছে এটা তাদের তা লঘবে সাহায্য করবে। 

Deutsche Welle Drawing Competition 2021

বিশ্বের সকল তরুণ ও শিশুদের বর্তমান মহামারীর অভিজ্ঞতা কিভাবে প্রকাশ করছে, তার ছবি ও চিক্রকলা সংগ্রহ করতে আগ্রহী DW। এর জন্য তারা নির্ধারণ করেছে দু’টো প্রশ্ন। 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Voice of Mongolia Frequency Guide

 Voice of Mongolia

Voice of Mongolia A21 Frequency schedule now available for Shortwave listeners. Mongolian National Public Radio and Television is the Mother organization of "Voice of Mongolia-VOM". It is the only overseas service of Mongolia, broadcasting from Ulaanbaatar, the Capital of Mongolia.

Voice of Mongolia A21 Summer Schedule

Saturday, April 3, 2021

China Radio International A21


China Radio International A21
China Radio International A21 released by CRI. China Radio International (CRI) is the state-owned International Broadcasting Service of the Peoples Republic of China.  CRI Broadcasting Covered all over the world through Shortwave, Mediumwave, and DAVB/DAB+.  

Details of China Radio International A21, 

As usual, the A21 Schedule starts from April 28, 2021, to October 30, 2021. The following table contains the A21 Schedule of CRI targeted to South Asia.

Lao National Radio

Lao National Radio
Lao National Radio logo
Lao National Radio (LNR) is the Nation’s radio broadcasting station. Lao Peoples Democratic Republic is the official name of Laos. It is the smallest and only landlocked country in South Asia.  LNR was founded in 1960. In the year 1975, it became the National Broadcasting Service of Laos.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Voice of Vietnam A21


Voice of Vietnam A21
Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam's National Radio Broadcasts, reveal their Summer Schedule for the year 2021. English Service, Voice of Vietnam A21 started on March 28, 2021, and will continue to October 23, 2021. There are changes couple of frequencies in A21; consider B20. 

English Service, Voice of Vietnam A21 Details

VOV5, the World Service of Voice Of Vietnam in English, broadcast 30 minutes programs daily in different time slots. 
Here are the details of the A21 English:

Saturday, February 13, 2021

RSI Contest 2021 : "Once there was a Castle" Round one

Once there was a Castle

English Service of Radio Slovakia International launched a year-round quiz contest covering Slavkia's nature, tradition or culture, and Costume.  In 2021, Radio Slovakia International has prepared its yearlong competition series on Slovakia's Castle, "Once there was a Castle." From February until November, RSI will bring you an exciting feature with a question at the end once a month. If you have the answer, send it to RSI. Radio Slovakia English will draw one winner from all the correct answers they receive at the end of the month.

Readers' Choice