Sunday, December 12, 2021

RTI to Go Mobile App Contest 2021

RTI to Go Mobile App Contest 2021

Radio Taiwan International launched its new mobile application. To make it popular and introduce it to all over the RTI community, Radio Taiwan International arranged a fun contest, RTI to Go Mobile App Contest 2021, for their listener, viewer and followers. 35 Lucky winners will receive fabulous prizes. So take part and grab your prize,

Friday, December 10, 2021

Time to Say Good Bye WRTH

Good Bye WRTH

It's time to Say Good-Bye WRTH ব্লগটা লিখতে গিয়ে মনটা হতাশায় ভরে গেল। মাঝে পাঁচ/ছয়টা বছর বাদ দিলে সেই ১৯৯৫ সাল থেকে আমি WRTH এর নিয়মিত ব্যবহারকারী ও পাঠক। মূলত ডয়েচে ভেলে (Deutsche Welle) রেডিও’র কারিগরি বিভাগের সাথে সখ্যতা (মনিটর) থাকার কারনে নিঃখরচায় পেতাম এই বইটা। বলার অপেক্ষা রাখেনা, এটি আমাকে ডি-এক্সিং জগতে দ্রুত ও সফলতার সাথে সামনে এগিয়ে যেতে সাহায্য করেছে। ব্যবহারকারীরা সবাই যখন বইটার ৭৬তম সংস্করণের অপেক্ষায়, হতাসা গ্রাস করলো সবাইকে, WRTH ফেসবুক গ্রুপের একটা খবরে,“২০২২ সংখ্যাই WRTHএর শেষ সংখ্যা”।

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

ERTU Radio Cairo Frequency Guide B21

ERTU Radio Cairo Frequency Guide B21

Radio Cairo, one of the pioneer radio stations, started on 31 May 1934. Egyptian Radio and Television Union - ERTU has operated Radio Cairo since December 1947. ERTU Radio Cairo Frequency Guide B21 has been declared by the authority. B21 frequency table mentioned that ERTU no more continuing Hebrew language broadcast and ceased 24 hours Arabic service on Shortwave. 

ERTU Radio Cairo Frequency Guide B21 Details

Monday, November 1, 2021

AWR Summer Schedule B21

AWR Summer Schedule B21

Frequency Management Office of Adventist World Radio disclosed AWR Summer Schedule B21 for the audience worldwide. October 30, 2021, they released the 8th version of this shortwave broadcast schedule. This B21 Frequency guide will continue until March 26, 2022. 

AWR Summer Schedule B21 Details

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Deutsche Welle Frequency Guide B21

Deutsche Welle Frequency Guide B21 

No Doubt, DW is still on Shortwave dial. Customer Service announced the Deutsche Welle Frequency Guide B21 for the listeners. Due to Afghanistan Crisis, Deutsche Welle expanded their on-air time to Afghanistan at the end of the A21 Schedule

Here are the details of the DW B21 Frequency Guide

Friday, October 29, 2021

China Radio International B21 Schedule

China Radio International B21 Schedule
China Radio International B21 Schedule has been launched. Like last decade, CRI frequencies are available all over the bandwidth. But this B21 frequency guide noticed some frequencies are reduced and ceased by CRI. We have captured only English, Bengali, Hindi, Nepali and Urdu language services for this collection.

Details China Radio International B21 Schedule

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